School Systems and School Programs

If you are applying on behalf of a school district and intend to work with The First Tee National School Program there is a separate grant application for your use. Click here for the "School Application" form. Because of our familiarity with The First Tee's program, we do not require you to complete as much information as required for a non-school grant and we also ask for information specific to your school system. If you are not intending to work with The First Tee National School Program, you should complete the standard grant application.
The First Tee National School Program - Programs should be conducted in conjunction with The First Tee National School Program. Use of The First Tee National School Program is not an absolute requirement to be eligible for grants, but due to the efficiency and effectiveness of the program, its use is highly recommended.
Matching Funds
Initial Trial Period
Future Years' Expansion
Connection with Local Junior Golf Programs
Curriculum and Frequency of Participation
The First Tee National School Program - Programs should be conducted in conjunction with The First Tee National School Program. Use of The First Tee National School Program is not an absolute requirement to be eligible for grants, but due to the efficiency and effectiveness of the program, its use is highly recommended.
Matching Funds
- School programs are strongly encouraged to seek funding from their local communities in addition to FJGC funds.
- We will match funds up to 5:1 but we believe your program will more successful if you have your PTA, the Junior League or other local organizations "invested" in your effort.
- The cost to enroll each school into The First Tee National School Program is approximately $3,000.
- Accordingly, your organization should secure at least $500 of local support to meet the matching requirements.
- There are many local civic organizations that are able to help and you should also consider asking your local men's and women's golf associations that you will find at most golf clubs in your area.
Initial Trial Period
- Initial grants for a school district, or school system, will generally be provided for no more than five (5) schools in the first grant year.
Future Years' Expansion
- After a successful implementation of The First Tee National School Program, school systems may apply for future grants at a rate that should not generally exceed 10 additional schools per year.
Connection with Local Junior Golf Programs
- A critical component of a successful school based program includes the school's cooperation and coordination with junior golf programs conducted at local golf courses and practice facilities.
- Applicants must identify local junior golf programs (including The First Tee Programs), and golf facilities that will serve as the next step in the development of their students.
- Essentially, interested kids need the access and opportunity to experience a traditional golf setting that includes PGA Professionals and on course playing opportunities.
Curriculum and Frequency of Participation
- Applying schools should specify their curriculum and frequency of golf classes.
- The success of school golf programs is greatly increased though consistent, regular exposure to the game.
- The FJGC is reluctant to fund grants for programs that will be utilized on an occasional or infrequent basis.